This is the first Folk Art Journal in a very long time. The last one you received was in September. The fall was overwhelmingly busy. We were on the road for four weeks teaching three seminars, a class at the New England Traditions and exhibited at their trade show. We took a much needed vacation in December and came home three days before Christmas. The trip was a dream trip and as time permits I will be sharing photos on the web of our trip. Here is a photo from our trip… wish you had been with us.

WHAT'S NEW? You knew the answer to that would be right? LOTS!!!

If you have not already noticed on the web site Rosemary West painted on our new Apple Basket, Chinese Apples and Trumpet Flowers. We also added a number of her patterns. They were taught in seminars. Think outside the box… convert the other patterns to our tin or pieces you already have.
Jane Allen painted another tree in her series of trees. This one appears in the recent PaintWorks Magazine. "Elements of Spring Tree" will be a fun project that you can use all year in some part of your home. Or just bring it out to "welcome spring".
How wonderful is the new piece that JoSonja painted for the Decorative Painter on our lunch pail? No one but Jo could design a beautiful piece like that!!! A Little bird told me there will be more designs painted by Jo on Folk Art Tin in your future. To join SDP and recieve the DP go to the SDP Website.

You probably noticed that Della has been painting too. A new pattern, "Trio of Vintage Chairs", was added today. These are miniature chairs, each painted with a different design, that are adorable and fun to paint. I am always on the search for new products other than tin that I can offer for sale. None of these will be a permanent surface on my web site since they are not manufactured by us. Order these soon as I do not know how long they will be available.
It was like Christmas in the Wetterman living room when a box of new tin samples arrived. The tin will be available early in 2014. A wonderful mix of new containers, lamps and a large table top size sleigh. I am painting on a new piece from that grouping now. and it is almost complete, love it. The new tin and patterns will be debut at the 2014 Vegas Show. This is really planning ahead for me.
Speaking of Vegas, the sample below is the 2014 class project in Vegas. You can see the new unpainted tin piece available on our web site. It is an oval basket with dividers in it. It can be used for homemade goodies or to hold paper plates, napkins and, or cutlery. It is both unique and useful. The design is an old world Santa motif. Hope you like it.

OLD SAMPLE SALE… yes, I will be offering more samples for sale as soon as I have the time to sort through the samples and make decisions about what I will sell. We will send out a heads up when I have them ready for the sale.
OUT OF PRINT BOOKS… Bill brought in a box of "Out of Print" books that were in the warehouse. So it replenished our supply. We sold out of some that I told you about last week, but the box he brought home had all of the books that I had on the list. So if you were disappointed and were unable to purchase the books you wanted we probably have it in now. Send me an email to tell me what you would like to have reserved and then follow the instructions for payment. Click here to see the list and the shipping instructions.
So now you have new tin, new designs, a sample sale and a new supply of out of print books to look forward to.
We will be leaving for Chicago in a few days, I can't believe it is here already. I look forward to seeing many of you there. It will be a fun, fun place to go for a convention. I so hope if you had not planned to come you will reconsider. You will be glad you did.
It will be of interest to many of you that in 2014 SDP Convention will be in San Diego . So mark your calendars... Vegas Creative Painting in February and SDP in May.
Until next time, paint with your heart... life is so much better when you do.
Sending a warm hug to each of you, Della
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