The New Year is here and we have great plans for 2011. It will be a great year and we invite you to be a part of it.
A new year, new beginning, new products, new patterns… sound good? This will be a banner year of new products, new samples, new seminar plans with a mini trade show and a lot of other surprises along the way. It is definitely going to be an exciting new year!
The first memorable event in the New Year for our family was the first birthday of our great grand-daughter Lissa. The party we had hoped to have did not happen. Lissa was ill and so was her family. However, clad in PJ's, with a red nose and weepy eyes and a pink tutu, she still celebrated. She is adorable. Click here to see her birthday photos.
The first show of the year is fast approaching. The Las Vegas Creative Painting Conference, is next month. The show will return to the newly renovated and refurbished Tropicana Hotel. Bill checked it out last year when we were in Vegas for the 2010 show. The class rooms will be new, great classes are being offered and the trade show is always exceptional. I will be teaching a new design "Fruit on an Oval Tray". The first class is filled and has 37 painters. A second class was offered and as of last week it had 20 painters registered. There is still time to register and join us in Vegas. I would love to have you in my class. Creative Painting Website
We added a new category to our web site... Table Top Toys. You will now find the train, cars, plane, trucks and school bus as well as our doll cradle and arks in this category. All things on wheels... Maxine's Star Santa and all of Shara's ornaments on wheels. and her pull toys. A second ark will be added soon and it is on wheels. It is the one Lynne Andrews has painted for the April issue of PaintWorks. See all the Table Top Toys.
Trudy's new Signature Ornaments just arrived! The shapes are clever and unique. She is painting the designs as we speak. The patterns are shown on our home page and will be available to purchase February 9th. New pattern "Trudy's Tea Party" with designs for the teapot and teacup, "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun" (gotta love that title) is a pattern for a design on her glove, two hats and two shoe ornaments. These new ornaments can be used all year and are not seasonal. Suggestions for using them are posted on the home page with ornaments. Trudy's new rose patterns are actually a study on painting folk art roses. Each pattern will feature a different color of rose. These will be a wonderful learning tool to improve your painting skills. View all in tin ornaments.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Trudy!!! Recently Trudy was juried in to the Women Painters of the Southwest. Last year she was juried in to the Oil Painters of America. Way to go!!! You are a great painter and we could not be more pleased and proud of you for these honors. What accolades can we expect next?

Trudy has a new love in her life… a three month old ShihTzu, named Lucy. Wish Beau and I lived nearby… he would have great fun with a cute little playmate. Who could not love this precious little darling!
As always Shara Reiner tempts us with yet another new ornament pattern. Recently she completed a new one featuring two angels (one is on skates) and a duck with a baby chick on her back. Shara has a unique design sense that makes your heart sing. Order this pattern here.
A new series of Santa Ornaments and Table Top Toys designed by Shara will be available later in the year. We have the sample for a Santa Pull Toy and the same design is being made into an ornament. These should arrive in time for the SDP Show in May. I have another folder of drawings of Santa's that will be both table top toys and ornaments with a target arrival date of August, hopefully in time for HOOT.

It is never too early to paint a Maxine Thomas Santa, right? A tin candy cane is attached to the handle of the tin that you can store candy or whatever you would like to use it for. This would be a great project to do several of so you will have a head start on your Christmas gifts. Order pattern.
We are all busy trying to meet all the monthly, if not weekly, deadlines for seminars, painting conferences and magazine articles. Each folk artist is working on new designs and we will add them to the web site as soon as they are available. Since we will not be sending out a newsletter for a while be sure to check the home page regularly to see what has been added.
New Seminar Format – Mid Week Seminars and Mini Trade Show
Our new "Mid Week" plan will dramatically reduce the daily seminar painting fee as well as other seminar expenses. The reduced rates will apply when a one or two "week day" seminar is booked. We will set up a mini trade show with samples painted by our team of folk artists whose patterns you love. Email for complete info. Include the name and location of your chapter.
The Wetterman Family Photos
You will find new photos have been added to the Family Photo page since the last Newsletter. Photos of Lissa's first birthday are now on the web.. I am totally smitten by her. She makes my heart sing and I think yours will to when you see her.
I will try to play catch up with photos of my grandchildren… it seems the great granddaughter receives more attention than the older grandchildren. Before the next post I will add their photos. Ross, Arden, Trey and Christopher I promise I will do better in the future.
I am adding a photo that I ran across recently and I thought you might enjoy seeing it. My cousin, Lorree Curtis Murphy, an interior designer, is riding a Texas Longhorn at a rodeo in Houston, TX. Lorree, grew up on a large ranch in south Texas, near Goliad. She has probably been riding horses since she was big enough to be placed on a horse. She is pretty enough to be a rodeo queen. She probably was one in her youth. Visit the Wetterman Family Album here.
It has been a while since the last Journal. I hope you enjoyed our visit as much as I did. Now, back to the reality of life… I have to start preparing trays for my Vegas classes. Wish you were here, I could use some help with the prep.
Wishing you and your family a prosperous new year, filled with love and happiness. As always, think with your heart. You know by now that it makes so much difference in your life.
Sending each of you a warm winter hug, Della
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Email: Della@DellaAndCompany.com
5208 Lake Charles
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927
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