Once again I am finding time to visit with my folk art friends. So much to share this time… let's begin.
It has been my good fortune to attend thirty eight conferences. Like so many of you, painting and attending conventions placed my life on a track that I could never have imagined. What a wonderful journey.
Next year SDP will celebrate forty years of classes, trade shows and the fun of visiting friends we see once a year. In order to have a proper celebration it is so important that we have the support of each of you. I challenge you to plan to come and bring someone with you. Chapters will be a vital part of the success of this celebration. I am counting on each of you to help me make this happen.

Photos of this year’s conference are up and once again “our girl photographer” Melinda, did a great job. Melinda is the first one on the left in the photo. We were pleased that so many took the time to respond to tell us how much you enjoyed the newsletters.
See all of the Wichita photos here.
Opening night at the SDP Show in Wichita the National Museum of Decorative Painting shared their beautiful hardback book, "100 Angels". All of the copies were sold in the first 45 minutes as they only received a token shipment for the show. It has 240 pages of beautiful photos. It includes two DVD’s that contain 700 pages of instructions, patterns and color step-by-steps for painting all of the angels included in the book. We will be selling the new book on our website soon. So check out our home page to see when it is available. Info here.
A new product, Goddard’s Wax, arrived and is now on the web. I have used this product for almost as long as I have painted. I sold it in both of the shops that I owned. For years I have been trying to locate a source for it as the company that imported it went out of business. It is made in England, non-yellowing, leaves a wonderful mellow look on both tin and wood. Purchase here.

(Sorry for the quality of the photos. My first thought was to delay the update of the web and the newsletter until I can replace them with better ones. Reality kicked in... with my schedule the Folk Art Journal would not go out for a month. So the "not so good" photo will stay and be replaced later. )
These are the first of many new designs to come in the next few weeks and months. I have returned to travel teaching and new designs for the seminars are a must. (The Black Crow and Cherry Box will not be available as a pattern until after it is taught at HOOT.)
“Fruit on Oval Tray”, “Fruit on Clock”, ”Fruit on Dutch Coffee Pot” and “Fruit on Colonial Coffee Pot” all painted on antique reproductions using the same background color. Each packet includes two copies of the pattern; one on white paper and a vellum copy. All future patterns will include two copies of the pattern.
Color Step by Steps (included in “Fruit on Oval Tray” only) can be used for all three of these patterns.
The “Bird on Candle Sconce” pattern is a fast, easy project, painted on an antique reproduction. It would be great to use as a class project if you are a teacher as the skill level is not one that requires a lot of painting experience. A vellum copy of the pattern is included.
My favorite, “Bunny on Antique Box”, is a sweet little guy on a small antique dome topped document box. This one made my heart sing as I painted. It will make a lovely gift for someone special in your life. Vellum pattern included.
”Fruit on Antique Lunch Pail” (with Color Step by Steps) is another new pattern and a seminar favorite.
“Under the Christmas Tree” (taught at a Special Event a couple of years ago) painted on an antique reproduction is now a pattern. The pattern has five photos, Color Step by Steps, a regular and a vellum copy of the pattern. Included is a separate set of patterns that can be used for ornaments. The box can be used to store the ornaments. Decorate a small tree with the ornaments and display the box under the tree. What wonderful way to create a memory for your family. Look at all the new patterns here.
Trudy Beard has two new packets, her “Snowies”. She recently added three other new patterns all designed to learn to paint roses. There are color step by steps in each of the patterns. She has a wonderful DVD on painting roses. It is truly a great learning tool… 120 minutes long. Trudy's pattern packets and Rose DVD.
Jane Allen introduced a dozen pin and necklace kits. The patterns include the embellishments and tin to complete the projects. They are unique and you will want to paint them for yourself, they make great gifts and to sell as well. See all the kits on my home page.
FT-2223 Large Witch Hats, FT-2261 Slant Top Box, FT-2227 Colonial Pie Keep and FT-2275 Storage Box (Shara’s Heavenly Hamper as seen in the Decorative Painter.)
Shara Reiner has two new pattern packets painted on two different pieces of tin. There are two different Santa Pull Toys and two different Santa Ornaments. The first pattern she painted is painted on the tin that has been in the warehouse for several months. She had the sample for the second new Santa tin and painted it before our container came in.
We put the pattern for the new one online and told you the tin for that packet was in. Our importer sent the invoice for the contents of the new container telling us the second Santa tin was indeed in the shipment that was in customs. Unfortunately, when it was shipped to us we found that the manufacturer had made a huge error. They had 350 of the old Santa. They also had 350 of the new Santa… or so we thought. When we unwrapped the tin, we found we had 700 of the old Santa… no tin for the new Santa.
The manufacturer promised to have them to us by mid June, today I learned the shipment will be delayed as they won’t be sending another container for some time. I am sorry this has happened. As soon as I know the arrival date I will pass the information on to you. You could adapt Shara's new pattern to fit the originial Santa Pull Toy that is in stock.
The tin for the Santa on the right is in stock here.
Joyce Howard was my mentor and her style of painting had the greatest influence on my designs. Over the years I painted with her many times. I have three soft bound copies of her book, Tole & Folk Art Designs, for sale. The book has 164 pages. The color cover features four of her painted pieces.
I have two soft bound copies of another great book by Hertha Wascher; a wonderful German Folk Artist. It is written in English and will be an excellent book to add to your library. It has 95 pages filled with many, many “old world” designs and color photos.
To purchase either of the books send an email to Della@DellaAndCompany.com. They will not be offered for sale on my web site. Both titles are $20.00 each + shipping.
Artist Expo – Houston, TX July 19 – 23, 2011 – We will have three booths for DELLA AND COMPANY and a fourth booth for FOLK ART TIN. Many of you had a blast shopping at the “2010 FAT Sale” (Folk Art Tin Sale) last year. Jennie, our daughter in law, is a vital part of our business. She will be in the booth again this year. There were great treasures at BARGAIN PRICES. The early birds gets the bargains. http://artistexpohouston.com
August 9 -13 Heart of Ohio Tole (HOOT) – Columbus, OH
September 21 -26 Rain Drop Chapter – Portland, OR (I am teaching)
October 5- 9 New England Traditions (NET) – Marlborough, MA http://www.newenglandtraditions.org/
Vendors at the shows have become your Decorative Painting Shops. If they are not supported by your attendance the shows will begin to decline. Decreasing attendance at all of the shows will result in fewer vendors. Fewer vendors and decreasing attendance can mean fewer (or no) shows. Will I see you at a show in your area?
The first show of the year is Creative Painting Conference in Las Vegas. A photo of my project for the 2012 Classes Folk Art on an Antique Lunch Pail is pictured on the home page and on the seminar and Conference pages. It filled the first week of registration and a second class has been added. Creative Painting Vegas
A HEADS UP – A New Show in 2012.
Oct. 23 – 29, 2012 Creative Painting in Addison, TX (Dallas area) Information about the show can be found on this web site. Creative Painting Dallas
Check out the photos we added of our family and our pets. You will be especially interested in seeing our grand dog, Phoebe. She has learned to play the piano!!! Should you need a “Piano Playing Papillon” (French for butterfly as their ears look like a butterfly) her salary is affordable… dog treats.
And to give equal time to our Bichon, Beau, here is a photo of him doing what he does best, lounging on the sofa. He is musically challenged, so there is not a photo of him playing an instrument or the piano. He does not seem to be sad about it, he is OK with that.
Photos of our grandson, Christopher, with his family at his recent Confirmation were added today. You will also find photos of Trey at his high school graduation last week. He will attend Texas A & M University in the fall.
Trey, Christopher and Phoebe belong to our son and daughter-in-law, Bill, Jr. and Lexa.
Time passes so quickly. Arden, our granddaughter, completed her freshman year of college in May. Last year at this time I shared the accolades about her graduation with you. She is on track to become a nurse practitioner. She is the daughter of our son and daughter-in-law Gregg and Jennie.
We are so proud of these young people and their accomplishments. Family Album here.
We added several new photos of our precious great granddaughter, Lissa, now 16 months old. She lives on our farm with her Mom and Pop. Each afternoon she rides in the truck with Gregg when he feeds the animals. Family Album here.
New photos of patterns will be added as I complete them. So check the site from time to time. If your chapter is interested in a seminar on our way to or from a trade show there would be no travel fee. That is quite a savings for a chapter planning a seminar.
Starting this week we will have a Tuesday Market with one item on Sale. So you might want to make it a habit to check on Tuesday to see what the bargain will be. Not sure how long it will stay up… one day, two days or maybe more? Me thinks you should check on Tuesday or you will miss out on a great bargain! Read about Market Day this week.
This has been a long letter. That happens when I don’t send a Folk Art Journal out regularly. I had so much more I could have shared, but decided to hold them until the next Journal. OK, I will leave you with a little more news! There will be 7 or 8 artists that will be painting ornaments for the annual PaintWorks/Quick and Easy Ornament issue. All are painting several ornaments.
You can look forward to a great Rosemary West project on a new Folk Art Tin antique reproduction in the PaintWorks Christmas issue. There could also be other artists painting on our tin in the same issue.
Also there are a couple of artists that will have ornaments in the Christmas issue of the Decorative Painter… one of them will be yours truly.
Sending you a warm hug and reminding you “to think with your heart”, Della
Share the Folk Art Journal with a friend.
Email: Della@DellaAndCompany.com
5208 Lake Charles
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927
To unsubscribe (or change your email address) contact Melinda@webworldplus.com