Vegas Creative Painting Conference is a faded memory, but a very good memory. The show was great, as always. It was with much love in our hearts for Jo Sonja as we were a part of the audience on the trade floor in Vegas when it was announced that the "National Museum of Decorative Painting has designated Jo Sonja Jansen a Living Treasure. This is the first time in the Museum's 30 year history that it has given a singular honor to an artist."
The book can be preordered. Many of you will definitely want to add this to your collection. This information tells you a little about the book and a reception to be held at the museum. Follow this link to go to the museum's website.
"We are so proud to announce the retrospective of the works of Jo Sonja Jansen in a special exhibit in 2012! Jo Sonja - a life in folk art will open on April 20, 2012 with a gala reception that evening. We invite anyone who can to come join us for this must attend event. Jo Sonja will be in attendance! Come celebrate her life, her artwork and her accomplishments on this very special evening."
"A beautiful 160 page, full-color catalog will accompany this exhibition. The catalog also contains an instructional CD ROM with 10 never before published designs and lessons. The catalog slips into a hard presentation case. This publication will quickly become a collectors item and is a must-have for anyone who appreciates fantastic folk art and artwork of Jo Sonja."
The book is awesome. Forward this newsletter to all of your painting friends and share this information with them.
We were "on the road" for three weeks so we were grateful to be home three days after the Vegas show ended. A week and a half later we left again. Our first stop, Houston, TX for the King Tut Exhibit at the Houston Museum of Fine Art. It was incredible. If you have the opportunity to experience this magnificent exhibit, one word, GO!
We left Houston mid-afternoon and headed to Orange, TX for a seminar with the Painted Daisy Chapter arriving in time to set up a mini trade show. On Saturday and Sunday it was my pleasure to paint with this lovely group of ladies. Most of the members have been together for a number of years. It was a super weekend! The facility for the seminar was large and had dorms for the painters to spend the night and a spacious painting area with great lighting. They were a great group of painters that were all good friends. A perfect weekend for all of us. Orange is a special small Texas town filled with magnificent Victorian homes, an unbelievable museum (Bill spent two hours there) and other assets you would not expect to find in a town of 20,000. Hopefully I will return to take advantage of all the special things to see there on another trip.
Check out our updated Home Page and you will see we have a new "SALE" up. Buy the tin for the "Williamsburg II Collection" or my "Other Designs" pattern categories and you will receive the pattern free. How great a savings is that? Scroll down and you will find photos of some people you will recognize. The first photo is one of a very happy Mr. Folk Art Tin running the register at the Vegas show, followed by one of two long time painters you know, Doxie Keller and Chris Thornton-Deason. They look happier than Bill, painting does that for you! You will find a link to other photos of people you might recognize at the Vegas Show.

New samples by Shara Reiner, Jane Allen and Kim Christmas and as usual the photos do not do any of the pieces justice. More samples will be added later. We sold out of patterns and tin in Vegas for a new Maxine Thomas Halloween pattern. Since we do not have the tin in stock (it will be in the next container) the photo is not online yet. We sold all of her patterns and the tin before the first day was over. You are going to LOVE, LOVE this new design.
The tree that Jane Allen designed is awesome. She has a wreath that coordinates with the tree. We sat the wreath on a large easel and they looked beautiful displayed side by side in the booth.
Harvest Tree JA-049.
Shara Reiner has a new book out… we will have it in soon. It does not contain any of our tin, but we know you love her designs so we will make it easily available to our painting friends. Shara is no longer exhibiting at trade shows. She was in Vegas in the booth that published her book signing copies of the book.
There are more new things to share… a copy of the ad that will appear in the next issue of PaintWorks is now on our home page. These are all projects in that issue. Great pieces! You can order the tin early and be ready to paint when the issue arrives. You don't subscribe to PaintWorks? There is the link that takes you to their web site for more information on our home page.
FIVE MORE SHOWS IN 2012 The next show is one that is very close to my heart. The SDP Show in Wichita, KS, May 14 - 19, 2012. This is a major anniversary for us and should be for each of you reading this letter. If not for SDP I would not be able to pursue the passion of my life, Folk Art painting. I have only missed one SDP Conference in 40 years. There is still time to register for classes. If you cannot, then do come for just the trade show. This year there is no charge to attend. Give it some thought and I hope you will follow this link for more information.
The shows left for 2012… Artist Expo in June, HOOT in August, NET and Dallas Creative Painting (a new show added this year) are both in October. Click on our Shows and Seminars tab on our web site for a listing for all of the 2012 shows.
I will be teaching a Special Event at three of these shows. The projects for HOOT, NET and Dallas Creative Painting are pictured on the home page. Rosemary West and I will each teach a project in the same Event at the Dallas Creative Painting show.
UPDATED INFO… Old and Out of Print Books are a favorite of mine as they are for so many of you. I sold all of the books sent on the last listing. For those of you who were disappointed because you were unable to purchase any books you will be pleased to know that I have a new group of books. To request a listing with prices of these books send an email to Let me know in the email if you missed out on the first round and I will give you priority on this group. These are the same titles, but some of the titles are priced less as the "picker" found a few at bargain prices. Email, if you are interested in prices and how to order.
SAMPLE SALE... I will offer some of my samples for sale. There will be link to the photos and the link will be posted on the home page soon. It will be a few days before the link and photos are up. All the information needed to order the samples will be up at that time. So check back in a couple of days to view the photos and see if you are interested in any of them.
TRAVEL TEACHING... I am so pleased at the number of chapters that are inquiring about a seminar. I have a list for 2013 and 2014 and will be working on assigning dates soon. I still have a few weekend slots left for 2012. One is on the way to HOOT in August. I can teach a chapter if they live 3 days from NJ the weekend after NET and I have an open spot in November. If your chapter would be interested in a seminar with little or no travel fee and a "mini trade show" these dates might work for you.
NEW PATTERNS... I am working on new patterns for the web site, seminars and for classes at conventions. I have three lined up on the counter top in my studio. The one I am working on is an Easter motif and I'm loving it. All of the bunnies are busy decorating the eggs for Easter dressed in jackets and aprons. I will preview it when it is completed. I have several weeks off and plan to do as much painting as possible during that time. So watch for some new patterns on our web site.
And in closing... you know when spring has finally arrived in Texas as the pastures and fields are filled with bluebonnets and wild flowers. I am surprised we have so many since the long drought last year was a historic one. Wish you could experience it. Remember, try to make time for you to paint as it renews your spirits.
Sending a warm hug to each of you, Della
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