Easter was a fun day with our little Lissa hunting eggs in our backyard. She is growing so quickly. This year is zipping by. New products will be arriving that are being produced now from samples I received last year. They will be in this summer in time for your Christmas gifts.
I could hardly believe that it was time for more new samples to arrive!

Here is a sample of a couple of the new ones that will be here next week. Expect to see trays. This is a new shape, 14" x 10" oval tray.
Many of the tins are antique reproductions. This basket below is one of the antique reproductions.
It is an Apple Basket and it comes in two sizes. This one has a square base and another larger size has a base that is rectangular. You will find these in books on antique tinware.
We are so grateful that you are painting on our tin and we definitely want to have the tin you have designed on when you needed it. It now takes us four months from the time we place the order to receive it. So we have to depend on you to let us know well in advance of your studio class, shop class, convention class or seminar.
I need it in writing so I can add it to my calendar. If you tell me over the phone or at a trade show it is easy for mistakes to be made. So send an email and I will acknowledge that it was received and we will have it in time for your class.
This part of the newsletter is unlike any you have received in the past as I have more than Della and Company news to share with you. Today I want to tell you about a new venture by our son, Gregg and his wife, Jennie. Some of you know that Gregg is disabled with a spinal cord injury that happened a number of years ago. They live on our farm where the warehouse for Folk Art Tin is housed.
Both Jennie and Gregg graduated from Baylor University and are professionals. He can no longer work and someone must be with him 24/7. Jennie can no longer work as she must stay home with Gregg. He is not paralyzed, but suffers a long list of disabilities from his injuries. Jennie is Della and Company's "Girl Friday" and helps Bill with all of the orders and takes care of business when we are away for shows and seminars.
They love the farm and it has been a blessing in their lives. Through my newsletters many of you know about the animals and feathered friends on the farm. If not, this link takes you to photos of our farm. I hope you will take a minute to take a look.
With Gregg's health issues they have to stay on the farm or always be together which limits their ability to earn a living. Gregg and Jennie are opening a licensed Nursery called "Down on the Farm".
They have a green house with over 400 potted plants. He is in the process of having a web site built that will be available in the near future. In the mean time go to the site he built himself www.CamelotManor.com for contact information.
It all started with a patch of Heirloom Irises that we have been told have been around for more than 60 years in the field by our farm.

These tubers are $4.00 each plus shipping and handling. They are available to order now and are a great value. Gregg hopes to add other "heritage plants". A great bargain you will want to consider are Crepe Myrtles and Japanese Maples for less than $15.00.
He will have a nice mix of plants, shrubs and trees as he continues to add products, his sprinkler systems and enlarge his facility.
As a thank you for allowing me to share this information with you a "Folk Art Tin" ornament will be included with an order of $30.00 or more.
Have you checked out the SALE that is up on our home page? Some great buys... some are in limited quantity and there are no rain checks so order soon.
I will close with sending you a warm hug and tell you that we are grateful for each and every one of our "Folk Art Friends", Della
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Email: Della@DellaAndCompany.com
5208 Lake Charles
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927
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