After two seminars and the HOOT Show and we are home again. I have settled into my day to day work and I can't seem to accomplish much as the creative thoughts won't stop!!! Three projects for next year are planned and will be started soon. My Special Event at HOOT this year was just that… special. The class was filled with talented, gracious painters. Thank you for all of the emails received since the class, you were a great group! Now I have to top the design for another "special" event in 2013 for HOOT.
The emails flowed telling me you like, no love, the Conference Newsletters. It amazes me at the dedication that those HOOT volunteers have to producing their wonderful show. So many little things that are done for the vendors and those registered for the conference. Ladies, you are awesome!!!
I fell a little short on the photos... left my camera in the room on the last day and did not take photos of as many vendors as I had planned. Next conference... NET and another dedicated group of women.

WHAT WAS POPULAR AT HOOT... all the ornaments that are in the PaintWorks Annual Ornament Issue. There are 6 artists who painted ornaments for this issue on our Folk Art Tin. I have two ornaments in this issue. It is so good to have the time to paint for PaintWorks Magazine again. You can expect other designs I will be painting in the months to come. Check out the other ornaments on our home page.
GODDARD'S WAX was a star at the show. So many customers were pleased to see it can be purchased from us. Most (with gray hair like mine) had used it for years and then it was not available... it is now. It is imported from England and it is wonderful. It contains no silicone and will not yellow your finish. Wonderful on wood and on tin as well. It mellows your painted surface and a patina develops after applying it to the surface for several years that can not be obtained any other way. Best news is that a can will last you two life times.
We finally have the Railroad Oil Cans back in stock for Maxine Thomas' Halloween pattern and the Oval Country Bucket her "Holy Family" is painted on. The pattern is on the cover of her new book, Country Primitive #16. Both pieces of tin sold out at the show, but are available online now.
Jane Allen's Fall Tree and Wreath were very popular as was her Santa Tree as seen in the new Ornament issue of PaintWorks. The trees and all of the ornaments are available at discounted prices.
The "Santa Goodie Pail" that I taught as the HOOT Special Event will be in the Winter issue of PaintWorks. We sold out of the tin at the show, but the tin is available online.

New designs of the felt ornaments and pins arrived while we were away. The new ones are adorable! You will find we added a "baker's dozen" of new ones to the website.
Back "on the road again"... September 21-22 Belle Vista, Arkansas for a two day seminar. A Fruit design on our Gooseneck Coffee Pot and the Blackbird and Cherries on our Slant Top Box are the projects. If you live in the area or in a near by state (Belle Vista is in northern Arkansas and can be reached easily from several states) there are a couple of spots left for each day. Contact Jan Garrett at .
From there we head to NET (New England Traditions) in Marlborough, MA. If you live within an 8 hour drive of the NET Show I can teach a weekend seminar the week end of Sept. 29 and 30. There will be no travel fee.
Going to NET? Click here to see other views of the project I am teaching there. Space is still available in the class.
After NET I will be teaching the Goldfinch Chapter on Tuesday, October 9 and then we are Texas bound.
Finishing out our travel schedule for the year will be a new show… Dallas Creative Painting Conference, October 24 - 29. Rosemary West and I are teaming up to teach a Special Event there. We would like for you to join us. It has been a long time since we have taught together. Still time to register for the convention and our class. Check out our home page as there are several new photos of the projects posted there.
2013 Seminars... Back to reality; time to take care of business. When we returned from HOOT there were phone messages and emails letting me know chapters were waiting for confirmations for 2013 seminars. Tonight I placed as many requests for before or after trade shows for next year as possible. However, there were still chapters wanting weekend time slots before and after shows. I do have openings for mid-week seminars with little travel expense that can be added to the schedule just completed.
With chapters or individuals sponsoring seminars wanting to take advantage of reduced travel fees there is an additional new plan. To learn more about the new opportunity click on the link. Seminar Projects and Information
I look forward to fall, cooler days, seeing the autumn colors as we travel back home in late October. If you are not planning to go to the NET and Dallas show, reconsider. The life of our industry depends on the support of all the painting conferences. There are very few shops and studios remaining. If there is one in your area please, please support them. They are crucial to the training of new painters and the new painters will keep the art form that we love so much alive.
How many of you will I see at NET and Dallas Creative Painting? I am hoping that many of you that were not planning to go to either of these shows will change you mind and attend. Yes, one person can make a difference if enough of you come to the shows. You can make a difference if you support your local shop or studio. I am counting on you to do your part by supporting these events this fall and in 2013.
Sending a warm hug to each of you, Della
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