At the top of the priority list for today is to write my first "Folk Art Journal" in a very long time. So I have settled in to have a nice visit with my 'folk art friends". Hope you are in a comfy chair… I have much to share.
studio is so cluttered I had to clear a path to get to the computer today. Cleaning is never at the top of my priority list. New designs were flooding my mind. I started basecoating and painting two designs at a time. Never, ever, been foolish enough to do that. I have been painting non stop. I had five or six projects all 2/3's of the way to being completed when I stopped, and did a little self talk. It was difficult for the "mouth to convince the heart" that I should paint only one project at a time. There is a happy ending to this... there will be some great new designs coming soon!!! Some are painted on our new tin pieces.

It will debut in Columbus Ohio at the HOOT Painting Conference and Show in August. To say it has been a labor of love is an understatement. I can breath a sigh of relief. I am both pleased and excited with our projects. Yes, "our projects" is correct.
My "long time folk art friend" Rosemary West and I are publishing the book. Neither of us have published a book in such a long time. So our venture began, it is now completed and "two folk art friends" will have a lovely book "fresh off the press" in August. I think you will be very pleased with our new designs.

New "Folk Art Tin" pieces are now on our web site. As usual they are reproductions of vintage or antique pieces. There are two lamps, a vintage milk pitcher and a large sleigh. The first three mentioned are pieces that will appear in the new book Rosemary and I just completed.
The photo above is painted on the vintage milk pitcher. I think you will enjoy adding this to your collection of painted pieces. There are four new tin pieces that you can purchase on the web site now. There is another lamp and a table top sleigh. I have designed the sleigh and could possibly complete it before HOOT. The lamp will be in the new book. All four of these tins are included in the sale we have going on now and you can purchase them at 25% OFF! If you purchase them now you will be certain to have them.

We also have recent photos of projects in magazines that are painted on our tin on our home page. Shara Reiner has a wonderful new piece on the Oval Sending Basket… so lovely. Others photos painted on our tin will be added soon.
New packets will be available by 10 artists at the HOOT Show in August on our tin. Most will have several new packets and their samples at the show. For some it will be the first time to exhibit in our booth. Several have designs painted on our tin and have patterns on our website now. These are favorite folk artists of yours.
This means that Della And Company will have more NEW SAMPLES than ever before for the HOOT Show. So expect a lot of fun and surprises at this show… make your plans now to attend. If you are not registered for the show do so now! Can't come for the whole week? Start working on a plan with your friends to come for a couple of days for the trade show. You can share the expense of the trip and have a great time shopping and spending time with good friends.
I just returned from a wonderful two weeks of teaching and traveling in Italy. A good friend, Carol Tinney, made the trip with me. We had an extraordinary trip. We have traveled with our husbands before to Italy. This was a different experience. This is the first time to stay in a home with a family and experience the city and the beautiful Tuscan countryside, leisurely. There was time to enjoy the beautiful villages and larger towns while we were there.
Daniela, Alissio and Lorenzo were terrific hosts and hostess while we were in the city. It was an extraordinary experience and I will cherish it forever. What a treat to be in Italy on my birthday.
Daniela baked a cake complete with "one" candle. How thoughtful was that? Seventy four would have set the cake on fire! Loved the cake and "thank you" for the "one" candle. Alessio, her husband is an expert on the wonderful restaurants that we frequented while in Milano. Lorenzo, well at five years old, what can I say… he stole my heart.
When we left Milano we rode with Paolo and Franca to Tuscany. We were there for a little over a week. So we experienced metropolitan living and then experienced the Tuscan country side. SO BEAUTIFUL!!! BREATH TAKING!!! You could not use too many adjectives to describe it.
Franca, you and Paolo are travel guides extraordinaire!!! Franca's daily trips into the countryside were fantastic!!! Franca took Carol and I to see the lovely Tuscan country side with small villages and towns. A different place each day for a week. Lots of photos, lots of shopping and lots of fun. One day we were in the town where "Under the Tuscan Sun" was filmed.
What a good sport you were Paolo to take the two Texas ladies on two, day trips. One was a day in Rome. I thought this Texas girl was not going to make the last leg of the walking tour in Rome. I did make it, but just barely. The Diet Coke we had in Rome in the air conditioned mall is probably the best drink I ever had!!! It was about the half way point and was a life saver. Rome was worth every step! Carol Franca Marzi and Carol Tinney pictured above.
We had lunch in a restaurant that the locals frequented. It gave us a glimpse of a neighborhood restaurant. Food was great and it was shared with dear friends.
Two days before our flight home. we returned to Milano at the end of our stay in Tuscany We traveled by a bullet train… fun experience.
The next day we took a train to the city center. We spent the day in the square, with lunch at a open air café beside the most beautiful cathedral. They were having a concert in the square. Does it get any better than this?
Della Wetterman and Carol Tinney are pictured above.
Then we shopped the area around the square. Wonderful shopping area. I bought an obnoxiously large, fun ring that I love! Carol bought perfume. We had a Diet Coke at a McDonalds… could not find one any other place. Pepsi only in all of the places we stopped trying to find one.
Daniela had a wonderful day planned for us and I spoiled it. My passport was in Tuscany and I was in Milano… our plane left the next day and I had to have the passport. Carol said lets check to make sure we have our passports. I had to pull everything out of my purse and trust me there was a lot of stuff in my purse!!! When we got out of the car to catch the train we both checked the back seat to make certain we had not left anything there. Carol and I both checked the floorboard. I cannot believe we did not see it. It must have fallen between the seats. Or on the floorboard and it was kicked under the seat. Who knows I have not checked with Franca and Paolo, but they found it and called very early the next day to say they had found it. How could Carol and I missed the passport? We just did. I felt dreadful that we did not have the last day with Daniela.
Daniela I am indebted to you for being so gracious. She spent the day on a round trip train ride. She met Paolo in Florence and picked up my passport. Then turned right around and returned to Milano. We had the birthday dinner with Daniela and her husband and handsome young son that evening. Dinner was on the patio of their lovely home that night, with a surprise cake she had baked for my birthday.
Alessio, Lorenzo and Paolo, you are my favorite "Italian" men!!! Not many Texans say they have fond memories of "time spent with three Italian men". Carol and I can! I must say, Lorenzo tops the list at #1. Alessio and Paolo tie for second place. Lorenzo at age five is a talented budding artist. Loved experiencing his enthusiasm for drawing and coloring.
There are two special ladies that I will add to my "dear friends" list, Thank you Daniela Gelosa and Franca Marzi for the graciousness you shared your home and your time with Carol and I.
I would be amiss if I did not mention how much I enjoyed the ladies that painted with me while I was there. Great painters and I enjoyed sharing my way of painting and finishing my tin with them. A very positive experience teaching in Italy.
I will share more photos later of our wonderful trip.
Northwest Painting Show
For several years we have considered exhibiting in the show that alternates between Seattle, WA and Portland, OR. and I think 2015 will be the year. In order to make that long drive we will first see if we can book seminars on the way to the show and then on the way back to Texas.
There are many chapters along the West coast. Also the states that border those states and those on the way to the west coast and on the way back to Texas.
Since the chapters would share travel expenses it would make for a bargain seminar fee for the students.
If your chapter is interested please contact me so I can organize the trip.
Please share this Journal with your chapter and all of your painting friends. By clicking here it will take them to our web site, scroll to the bottom of the page and they can sign up to receive each issue of our "Folk Art Journal".
We have decided to extend our 25% OFF all Folk Art Tin through Monday so you can take advantage of our sale.
Sending a warm hug to each of you… remember "think with your heart" it will make your life much brighter, Della
5208 Lake Charles Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927 |