Our 4th of July was quite… Beau, Bill and I were home alone and had a nice 4th of July. Beau was OK with that until he learned that he would not have his photo in the 4th of July Folk Art Journal as he did last year. Another handsome guy would take his place in this Journal.
However, he was all smiles when I told him that Riley's mom, Merry Zakrzewski, was a longtime friend of mine and Riley was a remarkable boy. He is a therapy dog with over 400 visits in his career. He just earned the AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished title. He shares his love with many people.
Beau said… “WOW!!! What a great pal I have!” Congratulations to both Merry and Riley!!! This is such a wonderful service he and Merry provide sharing their time with his training to bring joy to the lives of so many. |
SALE STARTING... Many bargains to be checked out today!!! Some half price, buy one and get a second one free and some in limited quantities. Clink here to see the Sale
MERCHANDISE MIX IS CHANGING... A new mix of merchandise will be making its way to the web in the coming weeks. In order to do that some of our current inventory will be replaced with new painting surfaces. So this is a heads up. As stock is depleted new items will be replaced on the web. If you have something that you plan to buy "someday" today should be that "someday". Actually there is not a list of what I will no longer have in our inventory. I will make that decision as time passes and not reorder inventory that is no longer moving as it once did.
JOYCE HOWARD PATTERN'S RELEASED AT HOOT!!! If you are one of my Facebook Friends or read my last newsletter you know that I am working with Joyce Howard's daughter to release Joyce's patterns. Joyce passed away in the 80's. Such a shock to all of us… so loved by many and a talent beyond belief. So many painters have never even heard her name. Now they will not only know her name they will fall in love with her beautiful style and her remarkable skills.

Fun Seminar Date... mark you calendar for August 28 and 29, 2015! I will be teaching the new Victorian Christmas Kettle for the National Museum of Decorative Painting. This will be a piece your family will cherish, it is one of my favorite designs. Love the updated, old world look of the Santa and the ornaments. For all the details go to their website. I have never been to the museum... I can't wait to go... I hope to see you there.
The National Museum of Decorative Painting website.
If you are not my Facebook Friend you will miss out on a lot of news. I will start giving a heads up about sales, new merchandise and other news. Something else to look forward to is my Blog coming soon. Just a minute… what did you say? Beau, just asked to have his 2014 photo with a Patriotic scarf around his neck added to the newsletter. OK! We will add it below.

Yes, Beau you and Riley both look very handsome.
Yes, you look just as handsome as Riley.
No, I don't know if your photo will be in next year's newsletter on the 4th of July.
Yes, Halloween will be in October and we might see if you and Riley can both be in that issue.
NO, Beau you cannot do the training that Riley did!!! Enough already!!!
Remember to become my Facebook Friend. Watch for an announcement soon about my Blog. Both will be used to share information while I am at HOOT.
NEW Joyce Howard packets from DellaAndCompany.com can be ordered while we are in Columbus. We will do our very best to have them up the week of the show. I am hoping I will have a dozen to share with you. The wonderful thing is there will be dozens to share in the next couple of years.
Ok, lots of good things coming your way soon… lots of excitement. "Think with your heart, life is so much more fun when you do."
Warm hug, Della
Email: Della@DellaAndCompany.com
5208 Lake Charles Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927 |