The year is half over and one would think I was making plans for the new year. It has been a busy time in my studio. My brushes received quite a “workout” the past couple of weeks. It has been both a busy and a fun time.
My dining room table is covered with ornament cut outs... I can hardly wait to get started on them. It has been such a long time since I have been “energized” and I have not painted very much. That has changed and the ideas are flowing.

These ornaments are not just a “cut out shape”. Many will be dimensional. The patterns are done, the wood is waiting and I could hardly wait to complete the new pattern packets I was working on for thinking about the Christmas ornaments.
"This is only a small hint'. The best is yet to come... think Olde World Santas and all things Christmas. Hmmm... One more hint. "Two Folk Art Friends Celebrate Christmas" as in Rosemary and Della!
“Patience” is the one with the dove in her hand and “Joy” is the other angel. Love the colors. New patterns are available in the shopping cart.
I am working on the instructions for several new patterns that will be added to our Web Site. The current one is a favorite of mine… a wooden wreath with angels, doves and fruit…so beautiful. It will be ready to mail out in a few days. It is on the web now and the wood will be here next week. We will ship your order as soon as the wood arrives. |
More JOYCE HOWARD WOOD will arrive with the wreath wood. There will be an Elephant Coat Rack, Three Dancing Bears and a Spotted Pony. These patterns were released several months ago
All of the tiny tins were sold immediately in the last sample sale. The “tiny tins” were gone the first day of the sale. Many of you were disappointed. Good News!!! In the near future I will have more minis for sale.
I will have small tin containers and small hearts that can be a book marker or as a necklace.
Background Choices:
Country Red
Country Green
Nancy, Joyce's daughter, and I would like to do a pattern packet of each of the angels below. If you have these and would share it with us I would appreciate it. She has the original. She lives in N.Y. and I am in Texas. Nancy would rather not ship any of her mothers samples. I can paint from the photos if I have the line drawings.
Please send an email to me at if you can help us. We would both really appreciate your help.
TERRIFIC SALE... and it starts today!!!
You should have received the information in a separate post. It is a great sale with free merchandise. Check it out!
While you are there be sure to take a look at our Clearance Merchandise.
Remember, "think with your heart"… your life is enriched when you do.
Sending a warm hug to each of you, Della
5208 Lake Charles Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927 |