The long white trailer is packed and ready to leave for the “Painting Palaoza” in Oklahoma City next week. This is the last show of the year for us. Like Willie Nelson tells us in his song… “We are ready to be on the road again”. We hope you will be there.

Beau is with his buddies at the farm. As you can see, Mark, the cowboy that lives on the farm, and four of the five farm dogs are eager to see their friend. Everyone is happy he has arrived, including Beau. It was hot, hot in Texas yesterday and the shirtless cowboy had been training a horse.
When we return Beau will be going to the groomer. That will happen VERY EARLY ON THE MORINNG we return!
Much to share with you in this post!!!
We will have new patterns by yours truly. The new patterns and photos of new tin will be available at the show.
The “First Gathering of Folk Art Friends Seminar” in Waco with Rosemary West teaching is full. It filled so quickly we had to stop taking registrations. I am sorry that we had to turn painters away.
I am excited to announce a seminar in March 2017 is set. Shara Reiner will be teaching… how wonderful is that? The sample will go online as soon as Shara can paint it. When I contacted her she was with Franca Marzi in Italy. Franca and Palo are a dear couple. Franca teaches and nurtures her love and skills for folk art in Italy.
Registration information will be online a week or so after we return from the OKC Show. We hope you will join us for this new seminar. Mark your calendar… March 2017 for the seminar in Waco. |
New tin will be going online as soon as it arrives. Jennie and I are excited about the wonderful new tin pieces. We know you will love them too. So, both new tin and patterns will be added to our inventory. Both will be online as soon as possible.

“Beary, Merry Christmas Collection”. It seems the older I become the slower I become. I was well aware of this last week. Try as I may, I could not “rush” so I could complete them before the show. A photo is worth a thousand words… right? This is a heart warming new series for Christmas.

In additions to the bear ornaments we will have a “Folk Art Santa Wreath”. All of these new Christmas designs will warm your heart and anyone receiving them as a gift as well.
As you can see I am still working on them as we speak. Thought you might like a sneak peek of the beginnings of the new patterns that will be available at the OKLAHOMA CITY PAINTING PALOOZA SHOW NEXT WEEK.
The new patterns will be online as soon as we all return from the show next week and Melinda has time.
If you are within driving distance you can drive in and look at all of our new goodies. We will have four booths full of wonderful things. There is still time to attend... hope to see your there! Here is a link to their website for location and more information.
Do not forget the special sale that we added to the website. We are offering you a free gift!
Remember to think with your heart as you paint... I always do. Lately, life has been very hectic. Designing the Panda's had a very slow beginning, but as these fun designs began to take shape all the tension melted away. Thinking and painting with your heart is a blessing. Sharing our gift is a blessing to both the teacher and the student.
Sending a big hug to each of you. I must get my brushes moving and complete all of my sweet bear faces. I hope you make time in your day to “keep your brushes moving” too! Della
Email: Della@DellaAndCompany.com
5208 Lake Charles Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927 |