The new year has not gone exactly as planned. I am a bit behind in my game plan for 2017. I had not planned to have unexpected surgery. So, I am just starting the process of planning my year. Feels great to be back on track with some fun plans for our business and another wonderful hometown seminar coming soon.
Thank you for your concern for my well being after the surgery. It definitely was an unexpected event. It was an easy surgery as surgeries go. I was in and out of the hospital with a three day stay. I am energized and plans for the new year are falling into place.. Even thought the plans for 2017 are happening a bit later than I had expected it is turning out to be what seems to be a great schedule of events. I will be sharing some of the plans in this post and many more exciting plans will unfold in the coming weeks.
Shara Reiner is the next seminar… are you registered yet???
It is going to be a busy year. We will have our second Waco based seminar soon. I am so excited!!! Those registered for the seminar will be receiving a letter with the fun excursions planned while you are visiting Waco soon. Waco is a city with “a small town feel and a friendly attitude”. We love Waco and look forward to sharing our city with you at this seminar and future seminars.

Bill and I did a little scouting today of new shops I have not visited and checked on the downtown area to catch up on what is happening there... I rarely go downtown. It is now a fun destination and there are some special sights and shopping I know you will enjoy visiting.
A trolley is available for you to hop on and ride to the Silos area shops. There are fun, fun places to visit and eat while we are in the trolley area and still have time to paint when we return to class. We might find we need to do this more than one day. Change our class hours a bit. Plans could include little painting in the evening.
Lots of fun excursions and surprises are being planned. We will visit the antique mall where Chip and Joanna of the HGTV “Fixer Uppers” film their antique shopping segments for their show. Other notable tenants in the building are Bill and Della Wetterman.
Yes, we have a new venture. We have one booth now with plans to add one or two more when the space is available. It is filled with antiques, collectibles and some great silver trays, dishes, compotes… you name it we have it or will as time passes. The mix will be ever changing.
Great, great Antique Mall with two buildings full of goodies. I will post a page of the activities I plan for the seminar in the next few weeks as the plans are finalized. I will take photos of our space at the antique mall and include that as well. Waco has become a fun, fun destination.
FYI… Bill’s middle name is Gaines… William Gaines Wetterman. Gaines was his mother’s maiden name. No relation to Chip and Joanna. Just a little Wetterman trivia.
We only have one booth. Filling this one first with treasures with plans of expansion as spaces become available. Not nearly enough space in just one booth. We are having great fun going to estate sales. Just returned from two today. Bought wonderful, wonderful silver pieces. Other good pieces that I love. To bad they will be added to the booth inventory as soon as we get it priced and have time to run it out there. Me thinks a gorgeous big tray purchased today will find a home in my dining room and a substitute will be pulled from my own silver collection. (That is our secret!)
Bill has certainly become an “Estate Sale” fan. Who knew Bill would enjoy that? We are accumulating some wonderful “finds”. So much fun to have him share the enthusiasm of searching for great finds. I go to buy… he, on the other hand, wants me to sell everything I buy. Not going to happen. Some will find their way home with me. <grin>
We have great antiquing in Waco. If you are a fan of that as a passtime add that to your “to do list” while you are here.
If you are not registered… click here to download and fill out your registration form and become a part of the fun!!!
Those of you that are registered for the Shara Reiner Seminar coming up soon can be assured this will be a fun filled class with ample time for us to do some excursions in Waco. Both before, during and after the seminar if you would like to come early and or stay over a day or two. I assure you there will be many fun places to keep you busy. More information about the excursions will be coming your way soon. I want to check out the many gift shops I have not visited to make sure I can recommend good ones for you to visit. Those will be included on our web site. On arrival there will be more information.
I am working on a schedule that will allow us some “lunch time shopping ”. I thought we could go to the downtown area, have lunch on a couple of the days and while there check out a shop or two. You might want to plan to stay over a day or two to make sure you can shop the other places I recommend. We will not infringe on our painting time. Class room time is the most important.
You will be glad you attended not only for the great projects, but for the fun time one can spend exploring. I am so excited about the second “Hometown Seminar” that we will host in Waco.
NOTE To SHARA… are you on my mailing list? Email me to let me know if you read what I send out!!! <grin> Don’t’ forget to bring you shopping shoes!!!
It has been a busy time the past couple of months. I am painting and designing again. It has been quite a while since I spent much time doing that. I learned that age has played a dirty trick on me. I now paint in slow motion and I could hardly see to paint the facial features on the angels. New glasses are definitely needed and soon!
Two new patterns will be online when you receive this newsletter… two angel boxes with an ornament cutout available for both angels. Also a cutout to place on the lid of the box if you wish to do so.
This will be the 3nd and 4rd angel of a series painted on small bentwood boxes. They are fun and relaxing to paint. They all have a special meaning to me of people that have touched my life. Some here and some not. They warm the heart. The joy of our painting is mostly how we touch others lives. I am so blessed to have so many painting friends.
A read once… wish I recall where… that you hear bells ring when an angel earns their wings. I heard bells in my studio this week. Such fun!!! Loved painting these two new designs.

Wonderful Santas that I hope to start on soon. Ornaments that are a bit different… Santas in little frames and cute Panda Bear ornaments are waiting in my studio as I write this. Melinda and I will be putting the new wood online as these projects are completed.
There is a large Santa already designed for a tall container patiently waiting for the tin to be base coated. I taped the drawing to the tin several months ago… it will be my next project. Several other projects are waiting… many already base coated. So stay tuned as more fun projects will be coming your way.
We are making changes in our business. Many fun things planned that I will be sharing in the weeks to come. Using Facebook will keep you in touch between newsletters. My mind works all the time… it is a curse. If I do not act upon it I lose it… not grinning!!! Facebook will be very convenient for me to contact my “Circle of Folk Art Friends” quickly and regularly. So if you are not my Facebook Friend now… please become one. If you are not you might miss out on some fun and or “really important” happenings!!!
I miss painting, but life seems to keep getting in the way and leaves me no time to paint. Do you have that problem? I lose interest if I draw the pattern and do not paint it right away. In my mind I already know how it is going to look. In the future I will plan a regular time for painting in my studio. Making time for me to paint is an important part of my life. The thing I most enjoy in life I do very little of… that is going to change. New plan… take better care of Della.
As soon as this current “must do” list is completed I will try to clear out all of the clutter in my studio. Clear plastic boxes with lids so I can organize my supplies were purchased today. Now to find the time to do this massive project... "Do I need all of this “stuff”? Clearly not… I so hope I can part with a LOT OF IT!!! I hate to even think of the task… it is definitely not something I have any enthusiasm for nor do I look forward to taking the project on. Ugh!!!!
Well, the hour is late and I have a full day ahead tomorrow so I must end this post. I look forward to seeing many of you in Vegas… there will be new patterns making their debut at the show.
Thank you for being a part of my “Circle of Painting Friends”. Don’t forget to become my friend on Facebook. Fun things to be shared there… starting soon.
Sending a heartfelt hug to each of you... Della
5208 Lake Charles Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927 |