March 03 , 2008 "News
For Those Who Think With Their Hearts" Volume
IV ~ Issue 1
is much news to share since my last post. I had hoped to get
this out sooner, but life seems to get in the way more frequently
these days. Family continues to consume most of my time and that
leaves very little time for taking care of Della and Company.
Finally, there is time to share a lot of news with you. News
of past events, a chance to win gift certificates, new patterns,
new tin, a sale exclusively for my Folk Art Friends and much,
much more.
So let’s get started …
exhibited at the Creative Painting Conference
in Vegas a few
weeks ago and it was a terrific show. We look forward to it each
year. Unfortunately, we missed the reunions with friends I see
once a year from this area. Both of us were under the weather
at the show. Bill had a sinus infection and I caught a flu bug
while there (as did many others) and I was confined to my room
for four days.
Our drive home was through a winter wonderland with miles of
snow covered mountains, forests, desert and fields for two days.
The snow in Arizona was deep and so beautiful. As we approached
New Mexico the snow was less dense and only a light covering
remained when we crossed the border into Texas. Cold, cold, 5° one
morning, but what a memorable trip!
In the month of March when you place an order through our web site
your name will be entered in a drawing for a $50.00 Gift Certificate.
The certificate may be used to purchase any of the Folk Art Tin that
is in stock. The certificate should be used in the month of April.
If you have painting
friends that would like to receive the Folk Art Journal send
in their email address; with their permission. We will place
your name in the drawing for each three names that you submit.
Someone will win, it could
be you.
Email the names to Della@DellaAndCompany.com .
SALE JUST FOR YOU!!! (For the month of March only)
A sale just for the Folk Art Friends on our mailing list
on the following pieces of New Tin shown below! Use the code word folkart when
you check out and you will receive a 25% discount off these BRAND
NEW PIECES!. How good is that? These are reproductions of antique
pieces that were recently added to our shopping cart. This offer
good while supply lasts or until the end of March, no rain checks,
so don’t hesitate, place your order now. Tell your
painting friends there will be a “perk” just for those
on our mailing list each time our newsletter arrives this year.
Well, what can I say? We are out of the trains again. We have
another order due in May. Hopefully the next shipment we receive
will be sufficient and we will not run out again. We will send
out a heads up note when they arrive. We should have them available
for the Tampa Show.
New tin pieces were introduced at the Vegas Show and
they all sold well. We also displayed samples for five vintage
cars that are not yet for sale. They are perfect gifts for the
men in your life. The cars are on the web for you to see. They
will be available for sale in late May. See
photos on home page. The other new pieces
are in the shopping cart and may be ordered now. New
Folk Art Tin.
The most popular piece of new tin was the reproduction of a
double French flower bucket below that Shara
Reiner painted.
Both the pattern and tin are now available.
Pattern Packet SH-001
Double French Flower Bucket
It seems that each time you receive the Folk
Art Journal I am
excited about new products that we have received or will be receiving
soon. The drawing board has something on it all
the time and
new samples are arriving monthly.
A new series of Christmas ornament shapes will
debut at the Tampa Show. They are flat, not puffed, their shapes
and design are different and very unique. They, too, will be
offered for sale online in May. Photos will be added later in
the spring. We will give you a heads up when they are in.
So, lucky you, 2008 will be a banner
year for new products!
TRADE SHOWS (Dates will be posted on the web soon)
APRIL – Middle Atlantic Decorative Paint Show (MAD)
Our product will be at the MAD Show in
Pennsylvania. All our ornaments with their painted samples will
be on display. Jane Allen designs on our tin and will have a booth
at the show. She will have our patterns, her patterns and unpainted
tin (mostly ornaments) for sale.
We offered Jane’s first patterns for sale at the SDP Anaheim
Show in 2007. She will be teaching a class at MAD for the first
time. If you live in the area “be nice to yourself” and
attend the conference. If you can’t take classes do plan
to drive in for the show. You will be pleased with the many new
samples Jane will have displayed.
Sonja Richardson will also have a booth at MAD
with designs on our tin. Her creative style never fails to amaze
me. She is a unique talent and will have some wonderful surprises
for you. Her Hansel and Gretel Train is a wonderful treasure
and it will be on display at the show.
MAY – SDP Painting
Conference, Tampa, FL
We are sponsoring a Special Event in Tampa with both Rosemary
West and I teaching.
Super special surprises will be available for those of you attending
our Special Event. It will be the best one
yet! Be sure to register
while there is still space in the class. The class has sold out
the past two years.
JULY – Artist Expo, Houston, TX
This is the third year for this show and I will be teaching
there. The conference is housed in a great hotel. Their catalogue
is now available. It is really worth your while to come to
the show. There are so many painters in Texas and Louisiana
that can help this show grow and be a permanent source for
supplies and inspiration. So order a catalogue and help to
make this an annual “treat” for you and your painting
friends. We will be placing a catalogue in each order that
we ship. We do that for all of the shows that send us literature
to share with you.
AUGUST – HOOT – Heart of
Ohio Tole, Columbus OH
Always a super show you won’t want to miss. These ladies
have worked on this show for so many years they know how to do
it right! Make your plans to come this year. I will be teaching
two classes.
OCTOBER – NET – New England
Traditions, Providence, RI
We will return to our favorite part of the country, New England,
and be a part of their 10th Anniversary celebration. The chapters
are planning a wonderful celebration and we hope you will plan
to join us for the fun. I will also teach a class at NET.
Have you checked our web site lately?
If you have not there are bargains to be found. We have a large
number of Della’s
patterns on sale for half price only
while they last. No rain checks, no backorders. If you hurry
you can take advantage of the bargains. Some of the patterns
are on sale because they will be discontinued or we have too
many in our inventory. At any rate they won’t last long
at these prices.
Rosemary West

Two new patterns are on our web site for Rosemary
West. One
is brand new, a tin basket with a beautiful design, and the other
is a set of two Christmas ornaments that we sold all last year,
but failed to add it to the web site. Patterns RW-225 and RW-224
In the next post I will give you a heads up on more of Rosemary’s
patterns that we will be adding to our site.
Shara Reiner
As mentioned earlier in this post Shara
Reiner’s pattern
painted on our new Double French Flower Bucket is
now on the web. We will be adding more as she produces other
patterns for our product. She has a new lamp sample that she
picked up at Vegas and will be painting something wonderful on
it soon.
So many of you were interested in the Joyce Howard books that
I offered for sale in the last newsletter; all were sold. I searched
my many boxes of out of print books and found a few more copies
of the hard back and soft back books of her very first book.
If you were not successful in purchasing one of her books and
would like one send an email to Della@DellaAndCompany.com and
I will send you the ordering information.
I have several different German Folk Art books. Some are written
in English and a few in German; all have great photos.
We will not be listing them on the web. It is too labor intensive
to keep it updated.
Mentioning Joyce’s books in the last letter brought in a
stream of correspondence from many of you that knew her, painted
with her or love her style and wanted to know more about her. It
was heart warming and I loved hearing from you. I promised several
that I would respond when time permitted. I am sad to say that
due to family illness I have not had the time to respond. I apologize,
but I have an alternate plan!
It occurred to me that a “BLOG” to
share this info would be both fun and interesting. If you would
like to share your stories about Joyce, send them to me and we
will put them on the web for all to enjoy. If you have photos
of Joyce, photo’s
of you and your classmates, or perhaps what you painted with
her. I will put it together and share it with all of our folk
art friends.
Lia’s spring
seminar had to be cancelled due to health issues with my family.
Lia and I are working on either a 2008 fall date or spring 2009.
The information will be posted on the web when we get this worked
in closing ...
Today is a beautiful day, so spring like and as I wish I had
time to take a long walk with Beau (our Bichon) and let the fresh
air renew my soul. It is not meant to be. Our web site should
have been freshened long ago, the newsletter is past due so there
is still work to do. As I proof this letter before sending it
to the web I once again I am reminded of how blessed I am to
have the opportunities that this industry affords me.
I received an email recently in response to the letter that
I sent asking for your old worn out brushes for my friend, Susan
Mynyk. It was from Nora of Argentina.
Here is the note:
I am Argentia.
Speak you Spanish?
I have brushes falt and angle for donations.
Comp debo hacer?
Thanks, Nora
I sent the note to Susan; she and Nora corresponded. Susan found
a site online that will translate so they could communicate.
Susan is a very resourceful person.
Not all, but most folk artists are dreamers; however, it is
where the dream leads us that is important. Nora made the first
step; Susan followed through and two painters from different
countries shared a common dream, the love of painting.
It was heartwarming to hear from someone who crossed the language
barrier to be a part of our circle of friends that “dream” and “think
with their hearts”. Indeed, are all blessed.
All my life family and friends have called me a dreamer. Some
would think it is a curse; I feel it as a blessing. Keep painting;
keep dreaming and most of all take action and see where the dream
might lead. Without action it remains only a dream.
If you have any old scruffy brushes Susan still needs them and
would be grateful to receive them.
Until our next visit I will be “dreaming” and “thinking
with my heart” and I know some of you will be as well,