There is always something in my work day that must be done NOW!!! More times than not it does not happen in the time frame I planned. Case in point… the Folk Art Journal.
Originally the Journal was to be sent at a designated time each month. Well obviously that never happens. I have no designated time anymore as to when my "folk art friends" will receive one. Today is your lucky day!!! We have so many "good" things happening at Della And Company.
EXCITING NEWS...The new Joyce Howard ornaments and patterns are in the cart. There are ten new patterns.
Both patterns, with one wooden ornament, and extra wood ornaments can be ordered when you receive this journal. The orders will be filled in the order they were received. We do not plan to run out of wood. We have planned ahead on the wood. We have a new shipment of ornaments planned for weekly delivery.
"All Things Joyce Howard"
All of the Joyce Howard patterns are painted in primarily Delta and Grumbacher Tube Acrylics. Some were painted with a couple of other brands of paint. Some have more than one brand of paint listed in them. Since so many of you paint with DecoArt I am converting patterns as we post them to DecoArt.
Burning the "midnight oil" has certainly applied to my work day everyday for several weeks now. My goal is to have four new patterns to add to the web soon. These are in addition to the ornament patterns that are online today. Grumbacher tube paint was used for the ornament patterns. They are basic colors. You can substitute the brand you paint use most. The colors are basic colors and not much mixing is involved.
Joyce used several brands of paint. If you have any of her patterns that were painted with Delta paints you can use the conversion chart on our web site to convert them to DecoArt. The link to this is on the "All Things Joyce Howard" page on my website that will take you to the DecoArt website. They have a conversion chart for Delta to DecoArt. I will be adding conversions for her patterns to this new page. Other information and pictures of some of her patterns to be released in the future will be posted there.
The addition of the Joyce Howard page... "All Things Joyce Howard" to our web site will be educational, interesting and fun. It can only become that with your help. I have a few things that are up now with plans for many more to come.
You can be a helpful part of this new feature. We are starting off with information that will be helpful to you about the colors used in her pattern packets and books. Conversion charts for the different paints that she used... and she used several. I recently purchased a set of Grumbacher tube acrylics. I will be working on a conversion for these that is simple. The simple thing will be to add a few of these tubes to your paint box and see how you like them. I must say I love them.
Share any photos that you might have of seminars that you attended with Joyce. We will all look young and youthful, right? You can help by sharing memories of those seminars. Be sure to include the place and time the event occurred. Identify those in any photos and share the names of other painters that attended and what you paint. Anything that you would like to share with us.
Send them to me and they will become a living legacy of those wonderful days gone by when we painted with Joyce.
So stop by and check out the All Things Joyce Howard page soon.
We, goofed on two of the patterns released recently. Some of you caught the errors. I apologize for the inconvenience that this might have caused. I tried to get the information up as soon as I learned it was missing information. However, life has been very hectic for some time in the Wetterman household. I am only now finding the time to do the necessary paper work to correct the problem. I apologize for the delay.
The pattern in your packet is not the size of the wood piece. It will have to be enlarged. Measure the wood to determine the height. The person at your favorite print shop can use this to make the necessary adjustment so the pattern fits your wood.
Joyce actually did this Santa in a number of sizes. When Nancy, her daughter, sent the patterns she sent what Joyce had in her files. Neither of us realized it was not the proper size.
It seems we goofed twice on Santa. There was no design for the base of the Santa in the packet. Click on the link below and you can print the design for the base. Joyce Howard page |
Flying Angel on Dowel
The pattern for the back of the angel's dress is missing. The colors used for the pattern are also missing in some patterns. Three painters contacted me to tell me they were. Both the colors to paint the project and the pattern for the back of the Angels dress are now online. If you have purchased this pattern and find you are missing the information it will be online so you can print it out. I checked the patterns I have here and I did not find any that were missing the instructions. All of these are missing the design on the back of the angel. Joyce Howard page |
It is seminar planning time for many chapters. I am pleased you are booking me to teach Joyce Howard designs. If your chapter is interested in learning the "Joyce Howard" style now is the time to book your seminar. I will be offering designs that are not in pattern packets. However, if you have a favorite it can be used for the seminar.
We will be releasing patterns at a faster rate in the coming months. Joyce left an unbelievable legacy for us. Even I am seeing patterns that I have never seen before. My heart is filled with joy to once again have the opportunity to experience the beauty of her work. I can't wait to share her beautiful creations with you.
Thank you for the response for the Samples that I had for sale. I will not get those shipped until after Thanksgiving due to the holiday and travel plans for Jennie and Gregg, Bill and I. They will go out the week after Thanksgiving. It has been a really busy time for us the past couple of weeks. There have been no nights of 8 hours sleep for several weeks.
Remember, "think with your heart"… your life is enriched when you do.
Sending a warm hug to each of you, Della
5208 Lake Charles Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927 |