Well hello... remember me? I hope so. It has been a while since the last newsletter. I have been spending long hours in my studio recently. So tonight I cleaned my brushes, turned the lights out in my studio and ended my day as the midnight hour approached. Too many nights of "burning the midnight oil".
Sooo... where to begin? Exciting plans... new samples, new projects and the best trade show in the industry are all on the horizon.
I am always excited when I can share new pieces with you. You will be excited to see our new tin... we have folk artists designing on them now. Check our web page from time to time as photos will be posted as the artist completes them.
The new tin pieces are on our home page... they are wonderful! If you have not seen them yet check them out. View home page here.
As you read this Rosemary West is designing on the Sturbridge Coffee Pot, the Flower Container and the Oval Tray w/ handles. So watch for these in the near future.
And... Maxine Thomas is working on our Colonial Storage Box. They will be posted online as soon as they arrive. Check the web often as they will be up before my next Folk Art Journal arrives.
Two new Shara Reiner patterns will be available at the Vegas Show. They will not be available online until after we return from the show. Hope to see many of you there. It is always a great show and much fun.

Plan to come a day early. We have a fun day planned the day before all of our seminars. We visit fun spots in Waco. More information on our "Fun Day" later.
Please share the information about our annual "Gathering of Folk Art Friends Seminars" with your painting friends. Tell them to join our mailing list to receive information about future seminars and activities.
I would like for you to post information about our "Gathering of Folk Art Friends Seminars" in your chapter newsletters.
If you have painting friends or chapter members that are not on our mailing list they can join it by going to my website. They will receive information about future seminars my "Folk Art Journal".
Now is the time to start painting special gifts and for holiday gift exchanges, family gifts and gifts for friends. Don't forget to add decorating projects for your home to your list.
Check out our new tin surfaces that were recently added to our website... you will love them!!! They are online now with more on the way!!! Some of your favorite artists are working on new pattens that will be online soon.
I am blessed to have the best of the best painting on our surfaces. Check the web regularly to see the new patterns.
Yes, it is time for another "Home Town Gathering". What could be more fun than painting with the best of the best artists in the industry and shopping at Magnolia's and the other great gift shops in Waco and the surrounding area? Not much!!! Oh, I almost forgot to mention we could go to an antique shop Joanna Gaines of the Fixer Upper TV Show frequents.

The "Fixer Uppers" will be opening a new restaurant. It is a landmark on the historic "Traffic Circle" in Waco. It has been closed for years. It is a unique building and I am thrilled they are remodeling it. Bill and I ate there frequently when we were dating and in the early years of our marriage. Takes us down memory lane. I am hoping it will be open by then. We could plan to have lunch there. It will not be open in the evenings so we would have to do lunch and paint a little later that evening.
Once again, the day before the seminar begins we will have a " Fun Day". We will visit fun shops in the area. Some will, of course, want to go to Magnolias if they have not been before. There are a couple of gift shops nearby for those who have visited Magnolias. It will be fun to visit antique and gift shops in Waco. It will be a fun, fun day. More information on our fun day soon.
Now... if you have not registered for Shara's Seminar there are still a few spaces and registration information can be found here.
Hugs, Della
Email: Della@DellaAndCompany.com
5208 Lake Charles Dr.
Waco, Texas 76710
Phone: 254-772-6927 |