That pretty well covers the classes and show at Anaheim. It
is the best show ever for us. The Special Event Class that
Rosemary West and I taught went well and we were so pleased
that we were able to share our painting styles with 103 students.
If you were a part of the class, Thank You! We loved being
with you and hope you enjoyed your time with us.
Rosemary and I are not “techies”, but we did our
best to use a new microphone purchased for the event and next
year we will be old pros. Hmmm, maybe I should drop the “old”,
pros is a better choice. We will be adding an overhead projection
system next year. For the past two years our classes have been
large, so the projection system will make it easy for you to
see our painting.
The beginnings of a new look in or booth was obvious at the
Anaheim show. All our wonderful new ornaments were displayed
in small suitcases and trunks. They looked special, and the customers
could view and appreciate the design of each ornament. The ornaments were unbelievably popular. We have many shapes
for you to choose from and 40 new shapes and styles are on the
drawing board for 2008. (And, yes, Virginia, all of our designs
for our tin ornament shapes have a copyright! The tin will be
available only from us, or those that purchase from us, as we
are the manufacturer.)
It does not get much better than this! One of our own had a truly
great honor bestowed upon her recently by Barbara Bush, our first
lady. She was asked to design the poster for the annual White
House Easter Egg Roll Poster for 2007. I can only imagine what
a great thrill it was for Bobbie to create the poster. The artful,
unique nature of her designs and glorious colors makes your spirits
soar at first glance. As you view the painting and listen with
your heart, the story unfolds, and you know it was painted with
her heart.
To learn more check your latest issue of the Decorative Painter
magazine and go online to see it at the following link:
Bobbie, congratulations for representing our industry in such a
great venue and by using your special talent to create a memory
for this special event. We are so proud of your accomplishments.
The plans for our annual Central Texas seminar are made and
registrations are arriving. The information about class projects
to be taught, the registration form and housing information is
also online. A seminar does not get any better than this. It
is a fun, fun place with shopping in a quaint little village
and we are only two minutes from all of the gift and antique
shops. We expect a full class, so don’t delay. Salado Seminar
The long awaited Folk Art Express Train has
arrived. We have shipped the sets that were pre ordered and only
have a few left. There will be another order due in September.
When you read the rest of this article you will definitely want
to place your order now.
JoSonja chose a number of tin pieces to paint
on and the train is one of them. Jo is working on a Christmas
book and our train will be included. I will keep you posted on
the book.
Rosemary West will be painting a train for
the Christmas issues of Paint Works. It will be on the shelf
or in the mail to you if you subscribe in September. So you will
have two folk artists with wonderful designs to choose from.
(If you don’t subscribe PaintWorks has a special subscription
price. Now is a good time
to subscribe PaintWorks .)
Jane had five pattern packets with samples
in our booth at Anaheim . This is the first time her packets
have been available for sale.
There are two new packets for Heart Ornaments for door, wardrobe,
cupboard or chairs. Also a pattern for Zinnia’s and one
for Panies painted on our puffed hearts. The designs can
be used all year. Four or five color set ups are included in
each packet.
A lovely Poinsettia and Holly design packet to use on your
holiday tree or as a door, wardrobe and cupboard door or chair
ornament to add a special touch to your holiday decorating.
Shells and Roses painted on our 22” Colonial Tree is
the fourth design. It is both lovely and unusual. It could be
seasonal, but also could be used all year.
Her patterns are now available on our web site ... click
There is still time to register for Artist
Expo in Houston.
We expect this show to grow and become one of our strong
shows. Last year the mix of exhibitors and teachers was excellent.
I will be teaching a great Special Event project, a Vintage
Tray suitable for fall or Thanksgiving. It is a lovely, soft
palette that would make a nice addition to your Folk Art
UPDATES MADE… many complete with others to be made
1. New patterns and tin have been added.
2. Photos of customers
on the last day of the show are online here.
3. New
farm photos will be added soon.
4. You might find a new photo
of my sweet puppy, Beau there soon too.
5. Show and our Texas
Seminar dates and projects to be taught have been added.
6. Next
years, 2008, show dates have been added.
7. Gift Certificates can
be ordered online next
8. Since many of you have expressed interest in our Anaheim
Trading Cards photos and information about them
will be posted.
This is a busy time of the year with so many deadlines
on my list. It seems I am always in the fast lane and don’t
know how to escape. All but one of our trade shows occur between
May and the first week of October. The submissions to teach in
2008 are due during this time frame as well. We complete a show
and the project submission is soon after the show.
Fact is, I don’t have time to be writing this newsletter!
I should be deciding if I should start on plans for the Tampa
Market Booth Event (formally known as a Special Event), or work
on the beautiful carved Russian Santa that Andy Jones sent to
be painted for a DAC new book, or a project for the Christmas
Issues of Paint Works, or class projects for Tampa. Opps, that
deadline has already passed! So no regular classes for Tampa,
I can mark one project off my list.
I will play with my handsome little puppy Beau and then get
busy. He is sitting beside me with his favorite ball wanting
me to throw it. He has me trained well. I will throw it until
he is too tired to run after it and then I will get back to my
Take care, and as Jane Allen tells me often, “be kind
to yourself”.
Hugs and best wishes from one “who always thinks with
her heart”
and is still trying to find a balance in her
life, Della