Shopping and Site Information
General Information
Orders will normally be shipped on Tuesday or
Friday. If we are out of state for a trade show
the shipping time could be delayed until our return.
The orders must be received 48 hours before shipping
days to allow us time to process and pack the order.
If you prefer you can contact us by phone to place your order. If you are mailing a check for payment you can go through the cart and print out the order page and send it along with your check.
All prices are in US Dollar funds.
We will ship worldwide. The shopping cart will
calculate shipping after you have added your address
on the checkout page for US only.
For International orders, you can go through the cart and select Fax or email for your payment option. Then please call or fax in your order to us.
We have tried our best to set the shipping charges in our shopping cart to be as accurate as possible, but that isn't always going to work. We reserve the right to ajust the shipping up or down if necessary.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Ordering is available online, fax or mail.
Please place orders for classes well in advance. Since these are imported items it takes 8 weeks to restock in the event we are out of the product you need.
We do not back order. Your order should be placed again. By keeping our bookkeeping expenses at a minimum we can pass the savings on to you through the pricing of our products.
International Orders
Please fax your orders to us. Include the following information:
Shipping Address
Phone Number
Fax Number
Your order should include the stock numbers found on our web site, the name of the product ordered, how many pieces of the product, the price per piece and the total of your order. You may also order through our shopping cart and print the order out to fax to us.
We accept Visa, Master Card and Discover credit cards that are drawn with US Funds. Include the holders name as it appears on the card, the card number and the expiration date.
Please advise the method of shipping you would like. US Mail is the least expensive way to ship. It will take 6 to 8 weeks for most, but not all countries. We will also ship FedEx or UPS Air. We cannot give you the freight in advance. We charge what the actual cost of shipping is. We rarely have any shipments lost when shipping internationally. When we do they have never been located. We will mail a copy of the freight bill to you as proof that the shipment was shipped. In the event it is lost and does not arrive the buyer (you) will be responsible for the cost of the item and the freight.
Your account will be charged with the cost of the product and the freight when it is shipped.
 We accept US Checks, money orders, cashiers checks,
American Express, Visa, Master Card and Discover
via PayPal's secured site. A PayPal account is not necessary to use your credit card for payment. Please do not send cash.
Do not send your credit card information in an Email...use
mail or fax.
All International orders
must be in US funds.
International Orders must fax or mail credit card info.
To keep our prices as low as possible we do not
offer open accounts.
Returned checks are subject to a $25.00 fee.
At this time PayPal only excepts credit cards
from the United States.
 8.25% sales tax will be added to orders shipped within Texas by the checkout system.
Your personal information and credit card number is taken by Pay Pal on a secure server.
Credit card numbers are not stored on our server.
Privacy Policy
All information is confidential. We do not sell or share any customer information, names or addresses. No credit card numbers are kept on file.
You can read a more detailed Privacy Policy.
Return Policy
There are no returns accepted or refunds given for books, packets or brushes under any circumstances. No other returns without prior authorization.
If information is missing from a book or pattern packet please contact us.
Damage or Errors
All orders are packed with care. If any damage
occurs during shipping please contact the carrier.
Save all boxes, product, and packing materials for
inspection by the shipping company. You may not
receive the claim if these items are not kept for
the carrier.
If damage is our error, please contact us within
5 days of receipt.
Small items are carefully wrapped for protection.
Please check all packing material and boxes for shortages.
Wholesale Information
We do not give discounts unless you have a business that is open regular business hours, at least five days a week and is not located in your home. We offer discounts to teachers that have studios or teach outside their home. Discounts are not given to chapters. If Della teaches a seminar the price for the tin is retail. If ordered in quantity we will ship the tin to you, in one box to one address and pay the postage.
For Wholesale information contact Bill Wetterman at (254) 772-6927. We are on Central Standard Time.
If you have any questions please contact us.